Archive for the ‘illustrations’ Category
Sexy Female Robots Images Revealed
The sexy female robots probably originated from the Metropolis movie by Fritz Lang in 1926 and was further developped with erotic artwork from Hajime Sorayama in the 70’s onwards with a range of fantasy illustrations dominated by pin-ups and perhaps most well-known for the sexy female robots and gynoids (part robot, part human). Sorayama’s work Sexy Robot was published by Genko-sha in 1983 and gained worldwide success. Sorayama was using traditional techniques such as brush, pencil, acrylic paint and final airbrushing.
Today digital art software has replaced the old airbrush tool for most contemporary illustrators that have embraced the sci-fi theme of the sexy female robots but still holds a ressemblance with Sorayama’s work who is no doubt a source of inspiration. Last month we featured Victor Habbick sexy robots, below is a selection from other artists showcasing some of the sexiest female robots in digital art:
Please scroll down for images, video and links about the iconic Hajime Sorayama.
A sexy shiny female robot ready to fire her weapon – Digital artwork from artist Lee Reitz
variation of a super sexy shiny silver robot wearing stiletto heals from artist Andreas Meyer.
Digital Artwork from Ralf Juergen Kraft
Some of Hajime Sorayama’s prints and limited editions have been compiled into books, these can be hard to come by but are sometime still available on amazon through resellers.
In this short video you can have a sneaky look at Sorayama’s artist studio where it all happens!
You can purchase the full video revealing some of Sorayam’s secret technique from the official website sorayama dvd secrets revealed.
(this video includes erotic content)
Websites about the japanese artist Hajime Sorayama:
The Sorayama robot t-shirt can be puchase here:
Sexy Robots Digital Art
The sexy robot theme is a gold mine for digital artists to showcase stunning digital effects & stimulate their creative mind. Victor Habbick has been an avid artist and photographer for over 30 years & is sharing with us his extraordinary robot creations.
Despite adversity Victor followed his dreams and after studying at Design College in the 70’s, he embraced a career in architectural drawing, advertising and graphic design, constantly evolving his techniques with the advance of computer technology.
He later started his own business Victor Habbick Visions where his Photography and Digital Artwork fusioned.
Question: “Is there any special meaning behind “Creation” or is it just left to everyone’s imagination?”
Victor: “Ah ha. I have been asked that a few times. The shot is all symbolic in a surreal fashion but basically it’s the rise of Artificial Intelligence, the next phase is life on Earth! make of that what you will! Robots is one of these areas that for many, including myself, has always been an area wide open to interpretation and when you add the female into the mix its that bit more of a challenge.“
Victor has now an international client list and has been published in numerous books, magazines & exhibitions and has also extended his work to stock photography. He comments: “This has enabled me to indulge in my first love for the surreal and fantastic imagery that first caught my attention in my youth and has stayed with me throughout life.”
His portfolio is vast & varied over and beyond the sexy robot theme.
Fighter Female Robot
Fighter female robot – design from Dark Geometry Studios.

female fighter robot
Cyborg Woman fighting back
Watch out! – Artwork by Dark Geometry Studios
Fembot stretching out
Time to put my human face on! – Cyborg by Petrafler.

fembot stretching
Female Robot Posing
Here is nice shiny one, trying to look natural. – Artist: Julien Tromeur.

posing female robot
Sexy Android Woman
Here is a nice sexy one, her limbs are a bit bulky though…- Artist: Andreas Meyer

Sexy android woman posing with sky line
Female Robot Portrait
Looks a bit like in the film I Robot.

Portrait of a female robot
This artwork is from the artist Victor Habbick, photographer and accomplished graphic designer.
You can see more of his surreal artwork here:
& we hope to see more sexy female robots to come on this page:
Android Female

android female